Channel: Unveiled
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: nasa artemis 1x-ray polarimetry explorercosmic phenomenaspaceixpeblack holespulsarsunveiled spacequasarsnasa telescopespace telescopescience documentaryneutron starsspace explorationmagnetarsunveiled scienceuniverse's most dramatic objectsnasa newsnasaspace documentaryexploring spaceixpe telescopespace newsspace documentary 2022sciencenasa updateixpe observatoryspace observatoryunveilednasa 2022nasa update on mars
Description: Why has NASA launched another new telescope?? Join us... to find out! Subscribe for more from Unveiled ► In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at the universe's most dramatic objects! In late 2021, NASA launched the X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer... a cutting edge space observatory that could revolutionise how we understand the cosmos! So, what's the new telescope searching for? And why could it become one of the most important space missions for decades? This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions! Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here: What is the Black Knight Satellite and is NASA Hiding it From Us? - Why the Moon Could Cause the End of the World by 2030 - 0:00 Intro 0:35 The IXPE Observatory 2:04 Center of the Galaxy 4:06 Supernova Image 6:04 Pulsars 8:16 Conclusions #Space #NASA #Quasar #BlackHole #Universe #Pulsar #Magnetar #Science